Sakai site publishing for Spring 2025
For the Spring 2025 semester, Pitzer Sakai sites will be created in an unpublished state.
Spring 2025 is the last semester that Sakai sites will be available for teaching, and this change will help reduce confusion for students as we fully transition to Canvas in Fall 2025.
If you’re using Sakai in this last available semester, please publish your Sakai sites before classes begin so that students can view the syllabus and other information.
If you need assistance publishing your Sakai site, please contact the Help Desk.
To publish your Sakai site, please click "Publish Now" in the yellow bar that appears across the top of the course site (screenshot below).
Sakai site publishing options are also available under Site Info in the course navigation at left, and then under the "Manage Access" tab.
Within the Manage Access tab, there are options to Publish and Unpublish the site (screenshot below).
Please click Update after selecting to Publish your course site.